Rotaract e-Newsletter August 2005 Edition |
2005-06 Rotary International Theme Service Above Self
Incoming RI President Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammar is encouraging
Rotarians to begin the second century of Rotary service, by putting Service Above Self. Clubs around the world will focus
their efforts on literacy and water management, helping to provide for the most basic of needs in their communities. Refer
to the RI Theme Folder for more details about President Stenhammar's theme and let his
message guide your efforts.
Membership and Extension Month
August is Rotary Membership and Extension Month. The success
of a Rotaract club depends on the commitment and hard work of its membership. When recruiting new members, seek out those
with special interests and abilities who would be enthusiastic about the social and service opportunities Rotaract provides.
10 Tips to Build and Maintain Membership:
Set membership goals and encourage all club members to work to meet them.
2. Challenge each member to bring in one new
Rotaractor each year.
3. Present an award to the member who recruits the most new members.
4. Publicize club activities
in the school paper and in the community.
5. Organize a special event to attract new members.
6. Ask experienced Rotaractors
to adopt new members to make them feel welcome.
7. Monitor attendance and make sure everyone attends at least 60% of the
8. Assign committee responsibilities to veteran members (to let them know they are important to the club).
Maintain a good balance among age levels and among males and females, if the club is coed.
10. Get feedback from members
on the types of meeting agendas they would like.
Upcoming Rotaract Events Around the World
Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference will
be held 26-29 August 2005 at Alethia University in Taipei, Taiwan, hosted by the Rotaract clubs in District 3460, 3470, 3480,
3490, 3500, and 3510. For additional information, please visit their Web site.
Rotaract & Interact France National Convention
will take place in Bordeaux, France, 14-15 October 2005. Rotaract organizers are expecting over 200 Rotaractors to attend
from France, Germany, Luxembourg, Italy, Switzerland, and Belgium. For more information, please visit their Web site.
Interota 2005 will be held 11-18 September 2005
in Munich, Germany, and hosted by District 1840. Topics for discussion will include education, international understanding,
health, the environment, and international service projects. Sightseeing and other cultural events will also take place throughout
the week. Interota, a worldwide Rotaract meeting held every three years, is organized and sponsored by Rotaractors and provides
a forum for sharing ideas, concerns, and experiences. For more information please visit their Web site.
Questions and Concerns
Please send any questions, comments, or ideas for future issues
of the Rotaract e-Newsletter to rotaract@rotaryintl.org.
Rotary International Community Programs (PD210) One
Rotary Center 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston, IL 60201-3698 USA |